공지사항 The Korean Society For Practical Theology


The Korean Society For Practical Theology

제90호 <신학과 실천> 외국어 논문 차례

관리자 [2024-07-23 16:58:46]

첨부파일 90호 차례.hwp

90호 목차 (외국어 논문)


조지훈 The Relationship between Theology of Preaching and Homiletical Methods: The Cases of Fred B. Craddock and Paul Scott Wilson


박세훈 Embodied Spirit or Spiritual Body: Paul’s Redefinition of the Soma (Body) within Greco-Roman context in 1 Corinthians


전요섭 Military Chaplain’s Christian Counseling Method on Moral Injury


박은정 A Study on Pastoral Counseling for the Reconstruction of the Representation of God : : Focusing on Heinz Kohut's Self-Psychology


고유식 Eine Studie über die psycho-dynamischen Aufgaben für die Seelsorge zu Kirchenmitgliedern, die übermäßig vom Pastor abhängig sind


임정아 A Study on Changes in Meaning that Occur in the Process of Interpretation and Reinterpretation of a story


허정윤 "Mothering and Disability: A Practical Theological Case Study of Lived Experience“


양정선 A Case Study on Christian Meditation Experiences in Counseling: Focusing on Bible-Based Relaxation Therapy (BBRT)


유상희 Pastoral Theological Reflection on Compassion


이은성 Character Education and Strategic Consideration in the Christian Community


함영주 이순옥 High School Credit System and Principles of Developing Christian Textbook for Christian Private Schools


이민형 Understanding the Technology-Driven Society: its Impact on Humanity and Theological Responses


배원섭 The Appearance and Development of ‘Holistic Mission’: Explore Changing Views among Evangelical Protestants around Lausanne Movement on the Relationship between 'Evangelism' and 'Social Concern' (1966-2010)


정재엽 A Study on the Correlation between Personal Rehabilitation Process Experiences and Religious Experiences after the Pandemic

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다음글 제91호 <신학과실천> 투고모집